Athletico Juventude Antwerpen Donaties en Abonnementen verkoop ! Discussies plan van aanpak Oranje !


Athletico Juventude Antwerpen footbalseason 2015-2016.                                                           Buy an season 2015-2016 Abonnement and/ or become Donateur.                                     People from Antwerpen are making from  vsc Athletico Antwerpen a KBVB-club.             Earth people’s are making from vsc Athletico Antwerpen a KBVB-club.                                    Best (Earth)peoples from Antwerpen.                                                                                                  Even wen you do not like footbal , or you are a member from some other club , you must help. Help your club Athletico Antwerpen to get a (own) clubhome with pitches.                                     So we ask you to support your club Athletico Antwerpen every year financial , to buy a seasonabonnement from 10 euro or to become a Donar and Donate a smaller or larger money  then 10 euro.

What do you get back ?                                                                                                                                 In soccerseason 2015-2016 you get as Abonnementholder or someone who donate             minimal 10 euro , free entree to the homematches from all senior and youthmatches from Athletico Antwerpen.                                                                                                                                  You pay smaller money by tournements and (cultural) festivals organised by Athletico  Antwerpen (and) or their partners.                                                                                                          For Athletico members out side Belgium we will looking to give back other things ! Everybody who have a good idea can sent it to this BLOG or email to     –Out side members can get tickets from shops in Antwerpen were they can shop as Athletico Antwerpen member for les money.                                                                                     — When we get a sponsormoney from 100.000 euro there will be a lotery in soccerseason 2015-2016 for 10.000 euro prices between the abonnementholders in Belgium and outside Belgium.                                                                                                                                                            — It is posible that a musicgroup will play music by homegames from the firstteam.                       — It is the meaning that the senior and youthplayers ==> your children do not have to pay membermoney.   Playing freesoccer is or dream form them !                                                   Also they need/ want a playerscarbus.                                                                                                         — some time in a year youthplayers from Athletico Antwerpen will do something back for Antwerpen and his inhabitants : Cleaning dirty in the city-parks is a opportunity                          — Everybody is Welcom by Athletico Antw.  it doesn’t matter were you come from or wich religie you have.  Everybody get the same respect on the first sight.                                                              The selectionsystem is based on Quality and not on Like knows like.                                           The Members / Abonnementholders / Donations and Supporters are the owners from de club. They have a word in the way the club is follow / in leading the club.                                        Do you have idea ’s or you want more information ,  Email:   visit from 15 December 2014    website:                                       Blog:                       Facebook:  sebastien suarez

We hope to play with the first seniorteam from Athletico Antwerpen in Season 2015-2016 on the 4e Provinciaallevel KBVB.                                                                                                                   The Athletico Antwerpen direction , supporters and symphatisants hope to promoved in             5 to 7 year to the 4e or 3e National League. Good results with the firstteam is very important.  Another important point is that talentedful (youth)players must get the chance to stream into a (prof)club with better opportunity’s , where they can build up an soccercarriere.         By Athletico Antwerpen we try to bring up an even so good trainingquality as well as by an professionalclub.                                                                                                                                   Because of this , it will become more easy for talented Athletico players , to integrated after a transfer to a professionalclub.                                                                                                For many decennia years to little youth from Antwerpen City are getting onest chances. Thanks to or Abonnementholders  , donations and sponsors wich are also owners from Athletico Antwerpen , the Antwerpen talented socceryouth will get more chances in the Inter/National professionalfootbal.                                                                                                        The Athletico youth will help to make from Antwerpen City a World famous footbalcity again for decennia long. 

To stay always succesful Athletico Antwerpen will need Always some financial support from the inhabitants from Antwerpen.                                                                                                 The Antwerpen background is the basic from the Athletico Antwerpen succes.                         When the basic is good , the rest will follow and it will become more easy for or talented young soccerplayers to let their soccerdreams come true.                                                                    Athletico Antwerpen is followed up an transparanted financial way of working.                              To let or ambitians for the soccerseason 2015-2016 come true the club need                            minimal  50.000 euro for :                                                                                                 FootbalFederationcost ( Refferies and sportassuranties)                                                                         – Hire training and matchaccommodation                                                                                                  – The many freelancers will get a small money wich is written by government                                   – A small money for the trainercoaches from the diferent teams                                                           – The stewards for the leading of the supporters                                                                                      – Material for the diferent teams ===>  We NEED (shirt)/ SPONSORS                                                    – Reclame and Promotion material.      Multimedia cost !!!     etc.                                               Athletico Antw. ASK YOUR SUPPORT FOR OR / YOUR YOUNGSTERS AND THEIR FRIENDS !

Tell everybody world wide around about this project , by facebook and other multimedia.                                                                                                                                                Take the chances from or youngsters in own hand.  Tell familie and friends to buy also a abonnement or to donate some money. Together we can come very far !

What do you need to know more ?                                                                                                  Athletico Antwerpen have a direction with Footbal-DNA.                                                                   So is on of the Athleticodirection members uncle from a talented soccerplayer in Russia.  Another directionmember is the younger brother from one of the best players in the Belgium First Classe competition.                                                                                           Milano Sarmaat is the best soccertechnicaltrainer from Belgium and Holland.  I hope you give me the chance to prove myself as manager/trainercoach from Athletico Antwerpen and hopely later from a professionalclub or countryfederation somewhere in the World.                          In July / August 2012  Milano send a mail with advices to the Belgium Federationcoach Marc Wilmots and Louis Van Gaal from Holland.The mail was very practical for them. So Milano have a very little bit in the succes from the Dutch and Belgium Nationalfootbalteam  in the WorldChampionship 2014 in Brasil.


November 2014                                                                                                                                         Real Madrid – Mignolet   1- 0                                                                                                                 Grootste keepers prestatie van Simon Mignolet tijdens deze Champions League duel.  Houdt vooral Christiano Ronaldo meerdere keren van scoren af.

Ik deel dezelfde mening als Piere Van Hooijdonk analist bij Studio Voetbal van NPO 1.                    Je moet spelers niet constant tegen hun voet laten spelen.                                                       Linksbenige Flankaanvallers moeten op links worden opgesteld.                                            Rechtsbenige Flankaanvallers moeten op rechts worden opgesteld. Statistiek bewezen ontstaan onder normale omstandigheden de meeste doelpunten via acties vanaf de flanken.  Het is aan Guus Hiddink om zijn gevoel en voetbalinzicht optimaal te gebruiken met deze gegevens.            Guus moet komaf maken met het op krediet opstellen van spelers vanwege prestaties bij hun club of prestaties uit het verleden.  Bij Oranje gelden andere regels , de situatie bij een Nationale ploeg is vaak heel anders dan bij een club.

Wordt Donateur en/of mede-eigenaar van voetbalclub Athletico Antwerpen , elk bedrag kunt u storten op  ING BANK  Rekeningnr. IBAN: BE11 3631 0801 0348    BIC: BBRUBEBB                       t.n.v. vsc Athletico Antwerpen

GELEZEN IN DE PERS ! ? ??         Onthulling van Kevin De Bruyne.                                                  Thibaut Courtois maakte nummertje met mijn vriendin.                                                                   Kevin De Bruyne vergeeft het Thibaut Courtois om professionele redenen.                                   Met de vriendin heeft hij meteen de relatie verbroken.                                                             Vanwege de belangen van het Nationale Elftal wenst De Bruyne niet al te veel aandacht aan deze fout onvergefelijke fout van Thibaut Courtois te besteden.                                                          Met Thibaut heeft De Bruyne een goede professionele band.                                                              We hoeven geen boezemvrienden te zijn om topprestaties te leveren.                                              Neemt niet weg , dat Thibaut Courtois een zware fout beging.                                                           De omstandigheden rond dit gebeurde zijn mij onbekend , maar we zullen Thibaut vanwege zijn jonge leeftijd , deze bloedzonde vergeven.  Hopelijk leert hij hieruit.                                                  Tip aan jonge sportvrijgezellen , om dit soort genante escapades te vermijden , zoek je beter je lief buiten je directe sportomgeving.                                                                                       Een van de Hoofdcodes/gedragsregels is dat je respect hebt , en je niet bemoeit met andermans privérelaties.  Van andermans lief blijf je af.

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